Hindus in Jamaica

Dublin Core


Hindus in Jamaica


The African Caribbean Institute of Jamaica/Jamaica Memory Bank

Items in the Hindus in Jamaica Collection

Hosay Procession on July 13, 2006

Hosay (originally from Husayn) is a West Indian commemoration and popularly observed in Trinidad and Tobago, a twin island country, in which multi-colored model mausoleums or Mosque shaped model tombs known as Tadjah to display the symbolic part of…
Frame of the Tadjah

Construction of the tadjah in progress on July 13, 2006
Tadjah Details

A close-up of the intricate designs that adorn the tadjah
Building the Tadjah

Mr. Leroy Jagasar and friends engaged in the construction of the frame of the tadjah on August 17, 2016